Professor of Neurology at Unesp Botucatu, Head of the Stroke Unit at HCFMB/Unesp, and CNPq Researcher in Cerebrovascular Diseases and Neurorehabilitation
The long-standing partnership with Akama has been essential to advancing our academic activities. With sensitivity and expertise, they managed to understand our needs and transform them into a project perfectly aligned with our expectations. The result was simply exceptional.
Antonio Rugolo Junior, MD, PhD
CEO - Chief Executive Officer
FAMESP - Foundation for Medical and Hospital Development
A serious agency with ethical values that captured and translated what we wanted for the foundation into a fully aligned proposal. The result of the project was exceptional!
Rodrigo Gibin Jaldin, MD, PhD
Vascular Surgery and Sports Medicine
The Akama agency, through exclusive projects and detailed research with scientific support, is largely responsible for illustrating and giving life to my post ideas and my promotional material. When receiving such quality of art, writing informative content for the public becomes easier and more inspiring!
University of Copenhagen
Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences
Acknowledgement of Figure Design
We hereby declare our acknowledgment to the Agência Akama and the Scientific Design Expert Cristiano de Almeida Akama
for the elaboration of a visual abstract figure included in the proposal “CREATE” [Can rol-genes make crops drought tolerant?]
by Henrik Lütken (main applicant) and Bruno Trevenzoli Favero (Co-applicant) submitted to the 2020 VILLUM Experiment call.